Mazda's Gina runs for Alzhemiers

This year our very own Gina Arundale from Mazda Service will be running her first marathon, first ultra-marathon 100km and first Spartan ultra, all in aid of Alzheimer’s.


What is Alzheimer’s?

Neurologists say that dementia/Alzheimer's should be called "failure of the brain," because the other names are nebulous and do not show the severity of the disease to most people. As the patient's brain slowly dies, you know they've changed physically and the caregivers are often in shock. At the last phase, patients will end up bedridden, unable to move, and unable to eat or drink. But it is the different phases beforehand that are just as painful. The day they suddenly forget how to cook, dress themselves and become confused or combative when you try to fix the shirt or pants they've put on backwards. When they repeatedly ask where their life-long mate is while looking straight at him or her. When they forget their kids and grandchildren’s names. When they are confused, angry, or frightened because they are still partially aware of who they were.

Message from Gina:

For all the men and women I know, I ask you a small favour. If you know someone who has led a battle against dementia/Alzheimer's, still struggling or who passed this will all mean something to you. So, I ask if you can make a small donation to a brilliant cause just click on my Just Giving Page and I will really appreciate it.