Making its debut in the 2020 Civic Type R is a new performance datalogger, known as Honda LogR. Exclusive to Type R, the new system combines data from the onboard computer and sensors with a smartphone app to help drivers monitor and record a variety of performance parameters. It also helps improve driving skill both on and off the track through the use of a driving-smoothness algorithm. With access to the Type R’s onboard computer, Honda LogR can deliver much more detail than third-party performance logging apps.
Honda LogR features three main functions: a Performance Monitor, a Log Mode, and Auto Score Mode. The Performance Monitor provides vehicle information to the driver on the Display Audio screen while the app is functioning. Log Mode records lap times on the track, allowing drivers to improve their driving skills on track. The Auto Score function encourages smoother day-to-day driving by monitoring braking, acceleration, steering and straight line driving, and generating an overall score based on the smoothness algorithm.
While driving, all interaction with Honda LogR is through the Display Audio screen. Log Mode and Auto Score both offer more in-depth analysis through the user’s smartphone including previous drives, performance traces and replays using Google maps, and detailed vehicle information.
When connected to an app-equipped smartphone, the Type R’s centre screen displays a Performance Monitor, which allows the driver to see key vehicle functions in real time, including current gear, coolant and oil temperatures, oil and atmospheric pressures and engine intake air temperatures.
Drivers can also choose between a “G-Meter” view that indicates acceleration, braking, and cornering on a “bowl” graph, or a “3D” view that provides a bird’s-eye visual of the car’s cornering, braking, and acceleration behavior.
Log Mode is designed to help drivers achieve the best possible lap times on the track. The program uses GPS to monitor and map the vehicle’s location and the car’s internal sensors to gather data on acceleration, braking, cornering G, and other parameters. The app encourages smooth, controlled driving through the use of a color-coded trace of each lap. The goal is to encourage smooth inputs to the clutch, gear shift, steering, brakes and accelerator to keeping the car balanced, and thus improve overall driving skills, not just the skills required for a particular track. Users can save their lap times to compare their improvement over time.
The Auto Score function operates whenever the Honda LogR app is in use, monitoring the driver’s behavior over time by tracking inputs for acceleration, deceleration, turning, and straight-line driving generating a score for each. A combination score of those four parameters is generated against the same expert driver baseline that is built into the app and used in the Log Mode function. However, the Auto Score encourages smoothness of inputs to help improve routine daily driving, rather than seeking faster lap times. Similar to the Log Mode, Auto Score also keeps a historical record that ties in with the GPS function to show driving improvement over time.